MLK Community Hospital

The Hope Emergency Center entrance 
is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

For non-emergency visits we encourage you to use our main lobby entrance.

When you need us
here's how to find us

Entrance of MLK Community Hospital

Main lobby entrance

1680 E 120th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90059

Our main entrance is on the Healthy Way at the north side of our building, behind the large sculpture.

Our hospital is easily accessible by public transportation and car. Get directions here.

Emergency room

Entrance is off 120th Street, between Wilmington Avenue and Healthy Way 

1680 E 120th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90059

Directions from the east

  • Take the FIRST LEFT after passing the ivy-covered parking garage.
  • Find the red Emergency sign.
  • Turn RIGHT at the end of the drive, and then left to arrive at the Hope Emergency Center.

Directions from the west

  • After you cross Healthy Way, turn RIGHT into the drive by the red Emergency sign.
  • Turn RIGHT at the end of the drive.
  • Then turn LEFT to arrive at the Hope Emergency Center.
MLKCH ER entrance from Wilmington
MLKCH ER entrance doors

Campus map

There are a lot of buildings on the MLK Medical Campus! Use the PDF map to help identify the hospital, its entrances, and where to park.

You can download and print this map or view it on your mobile device.

MLKCH campus map

Building map

Open the map of our hospital.

If you need help finding something during your visit, please ask. Our friendly staff are available to help you.

Building map of MLK Community Hospital