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Mother, Daughter, Granddaughter
Angela Sojobi has delivered thousands of babies, but one special birth will forever remain etched in her memory.
What is your legacy?
With MLKCH planned giving, Tracy Donegan is leaving something meaningful behind for the organization she loves.
Mobile Care Bridges the Gap
In a community with a severe lack of access to care, MLKCH’s Home Paramedicine Program is addressing the issue with in-home care.
A Legacy of Love
When young Dr. Hsiao-Wei Monica Banks lost her mom to liver cancer, the trajectory of her life changed forever. Learn how her foster family’s unconditional support is changing the future of health in South LA.
Delivering on our Promise
At MLKCH, we are delivering on our promise to provide quality care. Award-winning care starts with big thinkers, risk takers, and leaders like you.
“Interconnected” care makes the difference for one very complex patient
A coordinated team of experts, all under one roof, work to improve the health of a patient with complex conditions.