Stay up to date on all foundation news and stories. We share gift announcements, grant news, patient stories, and more from our South LA community.

Lessons from the end of her mother’s life
As her mother declined, Dr. Elaine Batchlor experienced firsthand the structural racism that underlies the American medical system.

$2 million gift from Good Hope
MLKCH receives $2 million to support South LA diabetes management care from Good Hope Medical Foundation.

A community's generosity
The spring of 2020 brought many unknowns and challenges—but our community, in South LA and around the country, rallied around us.

National Diabetes Awareness Month
In recognition, we’re providing education, tips and resources.

From hospital to health system
MLK Community Healthcare now offers health services for every stage of life.

L.A. Care awards MLKCH $500,000
L.A. Care Health Plan, the largest publicly operated health plan in the country, has awarded $500,000 to MLK Community Healthcare to increase the capacity & capabilities of the MLKCH Post-Discharge Clinic treating South Los Angeles residents dealing with the long-term effects of COVID-19.