Dr. Elaine Batchlor: "Medicaid cuts will hurt everyone"
MLKCH CEO authors op-ed piece for The Hill on ramifications of proposed Medicaid cuts on U.S. healthcare.
MLKCH CEO authors op-ed piece for The Hill on ramifications of proposed Medicaid cuts on U.S. healthcare.
Legislators, community members rally for the award-winning safety net hospital threatened by funding shortfalls.
As her mother declined, Dr. Elaine Batchlor experienced firsthand the structural racism that underlies the American medical system.
Dr. Batchlor published a personal story in The Atlantic illustrating the work we need to do to overcome distrust of the healthcare system in Black communities.
Dr. Elaine Batchlor, MLKCH CEO, writes in “Health Affairs” about how existing health disparities in South LA drove COVID-19 outcomes.
CNN, The New York Times, NPR and other national news media covered the healthcare crisis in South LA.
Award-winning photographer, Francine Orr “embedded” with MLKCH for six weeks to chronicle the hospital’s response to the first wave of COVID-19 cases.
KPCC radio 89.3 profiled our hospital and its practice of ensuring a dedicated care manager for each patient in a July 15, 2015 radio segment.
The September 22 edition of the Los Angeles Times showcases our hospital’s implementation of many of the healthcare industry’s best practices.
In a descriptive article by the project’s construction manager, LA County Public Works conveys the excitement present at the hospital’s dedication ceremony.
What it means to be a safety-net hospital and addressing the physician shortage were topics Dr. Batchlor discussed in a March 2016 television interview.
The transformation of the entire MLK Medical Center campus was the subject of a June 2015 episode of StudioSoCal, a program of PBS SoCal.