Dr. Elaine Batchlor: "Medicaid cuts will hurt everyone"
MLKCH CEO authors op-ed piece for The Hill on ramifications of proposed Medicaid cuts on U.S. healthcare.
MLKCH CEO authors op-ed piece for The Hill on ramifications of proposed Medicaid cuts on U.S. healthcare.
Dr. Elaine Batchlor co-authors a groundbreaking paper on transforming healthcare in the U.S.
Once again MLKCH received the highest rating for patient safety.
One-time funding will help hospital move into next year, but the work continues.
Discover how taking healthcare outside the hospital is transforming lives in South LA.
We thank Supervisor Holly Mitchell, Senator Steven Bradford, and Assemblyman Mike Gipson for their advocacy.
MLKCH CEO co-authors national report on healthcare disparities.
Legislators, community members rally for the award-winning safety net hospital threatened by funding shortfalls.
MLKCH partners with UCLA on new research study.
HHS Sec. Xavier Becerra praises MLKCH’s maternity program.
For a second year in a row, the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services gave its top quality score – five stars – to MLK Community Healthcare.
MLKCH strengthens their workforce and South LA’s health with more than half a million dollars in grants from Bank of America.