Dr. Elaine Batchlor: "Medicaid cuts will hurt everyone"
MLKCH CEO authors op-ed piece for The Hill on ramifications of proposed Medicaid cuts on U.S. healthcare.
MLKCH CEO authors op-ed piece for The Hill on ramifications of proposed Medicaid cuts on U.S. healthcare.
Dr. Elaine Batchlor co-authors a groundbreaking paper on transforming healthcare in the U.S.
One-time funding will help hospital move into next year, but the work continues.
Learn how a grant from BMO is supporting the future of health care in South LA today.
We thank Supervisor Holly Mitchell, Senator Steven Bradford, and Assemblyman Mike Gipson for their advocacy.
MLKCH CEO co-authors national report on healthcare disparities.
Legislators, community members rally for the award-winning safety net hospital threatened by funding shortfalls.
At MLKCH, we are delivering on our promise to provide quality care. Award-winning care starts with big thinkers, risk takers, and leaders like you.
The spring of 2020 brought many unknowns and challenges—but our community, in South LA and around the country, rallied around us.
In recognition, we’re providing education, tips and resources.
MLK Community Healthcare now offers health services for every stage of life.
What you need to know about the Delta variant of COVID-19.