know your basics

Know Your Basics

Health screenings and health education out in the community—in shopping malls, churches, farmers markets, schools, and even hair salons

At Know Your Basics events, we provide helpful tips to keep you and your family healthy. From eating right to exercising more to feeling better, we’re here for you. Find great recipes, get basic health screenings, and learn where you can go for more information. The basics of staying healthy can be found at one of these events.

For information about our Know Your Basics program, please email us at

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What can I expect at a Know Your Basics event?

You can expect friendly volunteers who will offer to take your blood pressure, measure your blood sugar, and check your body mass index.

A volunteer will record your numbers in a Know Your Basics booklet that you can take with you at the end of your screening. The booklet also has information on health insurance and nearby medical clinics.

Our volunteers are usually Spanish-speaking. You can expect us to protect your privacy and to treat you with respect.

Smiling young Black woman in blue Know Your Basics shirt

Why is it important to know my health numbers?

Why is it important to know your blood pressure rate, your blood sugar, and other important health numbers? Because these numbers can tell you if your heart is working too hard, or if you are at risk of diabetes.

If you know your risks, you can take steps to reduce them through medications or through healthy diet and exercise. The Know Your Basics team will be happy to connect you with great resources in the community that can help!

Smiling Latina patient in a black shirt reading let me live!

Just a few numbers tell you a lot

Blue icon of scale

Body mass index (BMI) lets you know if you are a healthy weight

Blue icon of heart with health cross

Cholesterol helps you understand if you are at risk for heart disease

Blue icon of blood sugar monitor

Blood sugar (glucose) helps you know if you are at risk for diabetes or if you have diabetes

Blue icon of blood drop

Blood pressure helps manage a condition which could lead to heart attack or stroke

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