Free telehealth appointments

No telehealth? No problem

MLKCH provides free live COVID-19 telehealth appointments to those without access.

Willowbrook, CA February 16— South LA residents without insurance or access to telehealth services can now make online appointments with health care providers through a free service offered by MLK Community Healthcare.

The new telehealth service aims to make healthcare more accessible to uninsured community members or those without access to telehealth by virtually connecting them with medical professionals from MLK Community Healthcare, which provides emergency, primary and specialty care to South Los Angeles. 

Same day and future appointments for real-time and live assistance (in English and Spanish) are accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling 1-844-SEE-DOCS (1-844-733-3677) or via and utilizing code “MLKCH.” Depending on physician availability and the patient’s needs, patients can be seen in as little as 15 minutes.

Access to telehealth is critically important in medically-underserved areas such as South LA, which lack primary care providers.

The MLKCH On-Demand Telemedicine tool provides a solution to patients that are symptomatic but well enough to receive care out of of their home. It can also alert medical providers when a patient needs more urgent care.

“Telehealth both helps doctors keep patients who do not need critical care at home and identifies patients who need immediate intervention,” said Dr. John Fisher, MLKCH Chief Medical Officer. “It’s an early intervention and care management tool.”

Patients will receive support on anything from symptom checking, what they can do to care for themselves at home and help navigating the appropriate health system resources and care.
The COVID-19 vaccine clinics will be part of MLKCH’s efforts to support county vaccination and education efforts.

For more information on MLKCH, please contact Roxanne Romero-Agredano, Senior Specialist of Brand Communications, MLKCH:

To support our efforts to bring high-quality care to South LA, please visit our Covid-19 response page.

About MLK Community Healthcare
MLK Community Healthcare is an award-winning health system that serves the medically-underserved community of South Los Angeles. MLKCH offers emergency and inpatient care through its hospital and primary and specialty care through its doctors’ offices in three locations throughout South LA. MLKCH also offers community health education and outreach to improve the health of our community. Since its opening in 2015, the hospital has garnered awards and headlines for its innovative approaches to quality, safety and patient satisfaction.

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